Witch King, by Martha Wells, is a dark fantasy novel that follows Kaiisteron (Kai), the Witch King, as he wakes up in an underwater tomb after being murdered...
Lonely Castle in the Mirror, by Mizuki Tsujimura, is a Studio Ghibli-esque fantasy novel that follows Kokoro, a young girl that hides from her family and friends in her room due to the bullying she received in school. One day, the mirror in her room begins to shine...
As you can no doubt infer from the title, my website is finished! Though I wrote the last blog post just over a month ago, finishing everything didn't take the whole month. I mainly was working on...
Hello! If you're reading this then you're currently reading my first ever blog! Thanks for taking the time out of your day to come here. In case you haven't looked through my website already, I'll briefly introduce myself here...